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“I love getting to connect with other like-spirited coaches.”

~ ICF-NE Member and Volunteer


We offer a variety of service and coaching opportunities throughout the year, from supporting our membership with your unique skills and interests, to coaching through one of our community partnerships. Read below for current opportunities.

Serve our members

Interested in becoming involved? Email Jamie Kelly

Coach in the community

ICF-NE facilitates pro-bono coaching opportunities with community partners, such as Nebraska Children’s Home Society and Midland University, who we’ve partnered with since 2020.

To express your interest in volunteering as a coach, email Jamie Kelly.

Learn more

All Members are welcome to attend our monthly Board of Directors meetings. If interested in participating, contact our current President.


Contact us to volunteer

“When I signed up for coaching, my goals were to feel more confident and take more risks professionally. At the same time, I was super busy with a full-time job and MBA program. Mandy helped me reduce my immediate workload and prioritize my longer-term professional goals. She also quickly boosted my confidence. Overall, what I most appreciated was that I learned easy, everyday tools to feel lighter even amidst stress. I highly recommend the coaching experience!”

~ Susan P, Manager, Midland U MBA Class of 2019, recipient of pro-bono coaching by ICF-NE volunteer


“My Life Coach Janet Dworak created an environment where I felt comfortable talking about the obstacles stopping me from advancing in my goals. I determined what I wanted for my future career and future life. Janet enabled me to grow, build confidence, and create a future skillset to handle life challenges. She is highly skilled and very professional; I would highly recommend her as a Life Coach.”

~ Dee, Midland U MBA student, recipient of pro-bono coaching by ICF-NE volunteer