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HomeMidland University MBA and Alumni Coaching Program

Midland University MBA and Alumni Coaching Program


In partnership with the Nebraska chapter of the International Coach Federation (ICF), Midland University offers MBA students and alumni Professional Coaching to support them in the advancement of personal and professional goals they choose to address. The MBA degree program at Midland University is designed to produce graduates who demonstrate highly developed analytical and communication skills, a thoughtful approach to ethical decision making, and mastery of the tools and concepts it takes to be a respected leader in business. They may ask for coaching around these concepts or other challenges or opportunities of their choice.


Coaching is defined by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) as partnering with clients through a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.


Coaching is a client-driven process. The most successful coaching partnerships begin with a Coachee who has a clear idea of what he/she wants to accomplish and is open to collaboration and new perspectives. The role of a Coachee is to set the agenda based on desired outcomes and assume responsibility for own decisions and forward actions.


The Midland University MBA & Coaching Program includes 4 free coaching sessions at approximately 60 minutes for each to complete at any pace throughout their program length. Further details are explained in the Coaching Agreement listed below.


Partnership Process:

  1. Complete the registration form to be partnered with a coach.
  2. Introduction between Coach and Coachee will be made by Jamie Kelly. You may contact her here.
  3. Coach will make contact with Coachee to set up a brief introductory session to discuss expectations of the coaching relationship and to co-create the coaching agreement. If the Coach and/or Coachee determine that the pairing is not a fit at this time, Jamie Kelly (jamie@coachjamiekelly.commay be contacted for a coach reassignment.
  4. Coach and Coachee will co-create a schedule and decide to meet virtually or in-person. It is typical for coaching sessions to take place via phone or virtual platform such as ZOOM.
  5. Upon the conclusion of the 4 sessions, the Coachee will provide a testimonial to ICF-Nebraska and their Coach communicating the value received from coaching and complete a short feedback survey.

As a new Coachee, we are defining some informational and policy items so you will have a clear understanding of this coaching engagement between you, the Coachee, and your ICF Nebraska Coach.

Registration Form

Coaching Agreement